Funding Builds Better Regions in Outback SA

Outback South Australia is set to benefit from almost $1 million funding under the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects stream announced today. Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the four projects in the far north of the state were significant investments in building a stronger economy. “Outback tourism is ever increasing in…

Funding Builds Better Regions in Tumby Bay

The Tumby Bay township is set to prepare itself for expansion following the reconstruction and upgrade of its handling of stormwater, funded under the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects stream. Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the District Council of Tumby Bay project was a significant investment in building a stronger economy…

Funding Builds Better Regions in Charra

The Charra Hall is set to have a face-lift following the announcement that it will be re-roofed and have minor indoor upgrades, funded under the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects stream. Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the project was a significant investment in assisting a local community to maintain energy and…

Funding Builds Better Regions in Ardrossan

Yorke Peninsula is set to benefit from improved accommodation following the announcement that the Ardrossan Caravan Park will construct two luxury duplex cabins, funded under the Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects stream. Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the project was a significant investment in building a stronger economy and driving jobs…

Port Lincoln project acknowledging 100th Anniversary of Armistice receives Australian Government funding

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has commended Port Lincoln RSL Sub Branch on receiving Federal Government funding to develop its project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armistice of the First World War. “The Port Lincoln RSL Sub Branch will receive $3000 to preserve First World War military exhibits and memorabilia through the…