Telecommunications Boost for Grey

Residents and visitors to Eyre Peninsula and Far North of South Australia’s will soon have better connectivity with four new mobile blackspot towers and a major upgrade at another funded through the Coalition Government’s Regional Connectivity Program. Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey welcomed the announcement and said providing better connectivity and increased data provides…

Funding extended for UNI HUB SPENCER GULF

The Federal Government will provide Uni Hub Spencer Gulf with a further four years funding to ensure it will continue to offer students in Port Pirie and Port Augusta the opportunity to participate and succeed in furthering their education. People in regional Australia are less than half as likely to complete a university degree compared…

$7.8 million to upgrade bridges in Grey

The Federal Government is continuing to upgrade bridges on regional roads in Grey with new investments in three projects totalling $7.8m under the Bridges Renewal Program. The projects will replace and widen bridges, replace culverts, strengthen existing structures and upgrade floodways to bridges. Projects in Grey include: $2,928,896 Pine Creek Bridge upgrade, Appila-Laura Road, Laura…


The sacrifice and service of veterans in Grey will be further commemorated and recognised with four communities sharing in $1.5 million from the Federal Government. Ardrossan Progress Association, Curramulka Community Club, Elliston Council and Flinders Ranges Council will all receive funding for projects to honour their veterans. Ardrossan will receive $10,000 to upgrade the Ardrossan…