Smart Farms Small Grants

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he encourages farmers, fishers and foresters with clever, sustainable agriculture ideas to apply for grants of $5000 up to $50,000 under Round 4 of the Smart Farms Small Grants program. “Our farmers are highly adaptive and agriculture would not be the incredible industry it is today without them…

Smart Farms Small Grants

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he encourages farmers, fishers and foresters with clever, sustainable agriculture ideas to apply for grants of $5000 up to $50,000 under Round 4 of the Smart Farms Small Grants program. “Our farmers are highly adaptive and agriculture would not be the incredible industry it is today without them…

August E-News Update

Managing the COVID-19 pandemic is certainly proving to be a volatile and fast moving challenge. Every week government packages supporting employers, employees and citizens generally and the rules applying to people movement and business operations are being adjusted to reflect the changing circumstances. The challenge for governments, is how far the economic tap can be…

E-newsletter & COVID Update

As the COVID crisis keeps evolving so do our responses, which vary considerably from state to state, consequently we continue to work in my offices to keep you up-to-date. Certainly the experience of Victoria is a salient lesson to all of us that when our health experts issue new advice, we need to keep following…