The Copper Coast Council University Centre (UC) will receive $1,114,960 from the Coalition Government to support students to learn skills and qualifications locally.
Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey today announced the Coalition Government had finalised the grant agreement to establish a new Regional University Centre in Kadina.
“This is an exciting step forward for the YP and surrounding areas,” Mr Ramsey said.
“Ever since the Coalition came to government in 2013, a group of us has worked hard to provide a fairer range of opportunities to country students to bridge the education gap between the country and the city. Regional members have had a series of very good wins in this area and todays’s comfirmation that Kadina is to become the third uni-hub in Grey is just the latest.
“The centre will generate new jobs and opportunities in Kadina, giving local people the support they need to undertake tertiary studies without having to relocate.
“Certainly the Port Pirie which opened its doors in 2019 and Port Augusta earlier this year have made outstanding starts and I expect Kadina to be the same.”
Regional University Centres support tertiary students to study by distance at any Australian education institution. The funding supports local infrastructure by providing a safe, supportive learning environment, with access to technology and high-speed internet, as well as administrative and academic support services and pastoral support for local students.
“Our Government is delivering on its commitment to create more opportunities within regional communities to ensure every Australian, no matter where they live, can access a world-class education,” Mr Ramsey said.
“The centre will also provide opportunities to share in the social, economic and cultural benefits of tertiary education.”
The Coalition Government has committed $74.2 million to fund up to 33 Regional University Centres across Australia.
Media Contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 08 86331744 Sept 16, 2020