Penalty Rates

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said union claims workers in Grey will “lose millions” when penalty rate changes are in place are simply ridiculous.  “These claims are a deliberate campaign undermining Fair Work Australia’s decision on penalty rates and it is simply laughable that the McKell Institute, union funded and led by an ex…

Arrium Bidders

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has welcomed today’s news that two official bids have been placed for the take-over of Arrium, which includes the Whyalla assets. Mr Ramsey said Arrium had been in administration for more than a year and the Federal Government had invested $120m to improve the bottom line of the Whyalla…

Whyalla Wins $4m for Aged care Places

    Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased to announce aged care funding totalling almost $4 million for Whyalla Aged Care. “This is fantastic news for Whyalla aged care and for families looking for good options for their loved ones”, Mr Ramsey said.   “The 2016-17 Aged Care Approvals Round has…

Whyalla Wins $4m for Aged care Places

  Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased to announce aged care funding totalling almost $4 million for Whyalla Aged Care. “This is fantastic news for Whyalla aged care and for families looking for good options for their loved ones”, Mr Ramsey said.   “The 2016-17 Aged Care Approvals Round has allocated…


 Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg has announced the Government, through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), has progressed the development of a solar thermal plant at Port Augusta.  “This announcement is the next step in bringing solar thermal to Port Augusta and confirms the…