Mental Health PMB Federation Chamber

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (11:54): I thank the member for Macquarie for those comments. I do concur with that view that it is difficult to provide all services in regional areas, and, certainly, I represent a large part of Australia. But we must do the best we can, because one in five people across Australia…


Investment in sport infrastructure to build stronger communities

  Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey encourages local sporting groups in Grey to apply for funding for a national $29.7million program aimed at upgrading community sport infrastructure.   The Community Sport Infrastructure grant program has been launched today by Federal Sports Minister Bridget McKenzie, enabling sport and community organisations to apply for grants up…


90 Sec Diabetes

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (13:37): I am currently the co-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Diabetes-I often say that I’m actually the chair of the enemies of diabetes. We are holding a number of events in the House this week, including announcements today-which I was pleased to attend-by the beverage industry that they are committing…


Aged Care PMB

The DEPUTY SPEAKER ( Mr Buchholz ): I just remind honourable members that the member for Franklin was heard in silence. The member for Grey has the call. Mr RAMSEY: They ‘call on the government to be honest with Australians’. I mean, really, that is a bit rich coming from that side of the chamber.…


Drought Relief

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (10:45): Sadly, there are regions in South Australia that are starting to use the dreaded d-word, ‘drought’. Rainfall has been patchy. For many it’s okay-on my own farm, in fact, it’s okay-without being outstanding, and it hangs in the balance. Unfortunately, though, there are some large areas, particularly on Eyre Peninsula,…


CID Aged Care

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:41): Let me say thank you, Minister, for the attention you gave the aged-care industry in the budget. You visited my electorate of Grey in the last six months. You accompanied me out to Ceduna, where we visited the aged-care facilities, and to Peterborough, where we have a few issues it…


90- sec Roxby Downs

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (13:31): On the weekend I visited Roxby Downs for the 10th handover of the Rotary club there. Congratulations to Sandy Sumsion and the team. It’s 30 years since the township of Roxby Downs was set out in the desert plains, 560 kilometres north of Adelaide. The town was established to provide…


Vale Don Jessop

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (19:45): On Monday I attended the funeral of Don Jessop, who was recognised in this chamber on Tuesday. He was the first Liberal member for Grey and was elected as part of Harold Holt’s historic 1966 landslide victory. Don served just one term in his place-he lost his seat in 1969-but…


90 Sec Rural Doctor Shortage

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (13:58): Sadly, currently the electorate of Grey is 29 GPs short. They are an essential part of our rural communities, as are the hospitals that they support. Just 18 months ago we were only 19 short, and I am concerned about the direction in which we are heading. A town without…



Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:20): Last Friday night I had the great privilege of attending the 90-year celebration of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Port Augusta at their hangar at the Port Augusta base. There was great support from the community. There were hundreds of people crammed in the hangar. We had a great…


PMB Suicide Prevention

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (11:52): I move: That this House: (1) expresses its support for continued trials into suicide prevention in rural and regional Australia; (2) recognises: (a) the huge toll suicide takes on regional communities; (b) that people in regional areas are more likely to take their own lives than those in metropolitan areas;…


Appropriation Bill

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:45): It gives me great pleasure to rise on the Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2018-2019. I would have to say that I’ve been in this place 10 years now and back in the electorate there is the best response to a budget I’ve ever met. It’s been a tough decade for…


Adjournment Roads

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (11:41): What a great budget and what a great spend on infrastructure. How pleased I am that the government has decided on investing $160 million to co-partner with the new Marshall state government in an 80-20 deal to build a second crossing at Port Augusta, a duplication of the Joy Baluch…


Regional Broadband Scheme

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:14): I do not support the amendment but I do support the original motion. I’d like to use this as a bit of an opportunity to talk about the NBN rollout, where it is in my electorate at the moment and why we need this legislation. The NBN rollout in Grey…


Live Sheep Export MPI

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (15:44): I was a farmer for 30 years, and like all farmers-like all Australians-I was appalled at the images on the 60 Minutes program about the Awassi Express. It is clear that, as a nation, we will not tolerate this kind of treatment of our animals, and the industry is unsustainable…


90 sec Eyre Premium Hay

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:05): Last week, on Friday and Saturday, I had the pleasure of a visit from Senator Anne Ruston, the assistant minister for agriculture, to my home town of Kimba. We visited two businesses. In particular today, I want to talk about one-this is a new business-Eyre Premium Hay. The Eyre Peninsula…


90 Sec EP Oyster breeding hatchery

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (13:31): Last week I had a visit from the assistant minister for fisheries, Anne Ruston. We visited a number of businesses in my electorate. In particular, we went to Cowell, where we visited the brand-new Eyre Peninsula oyster breeding hatchery. What a wonderful visit it was. Some of you would be…
