Get Your Socks Off Diabetes Event

  Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:34): Most would know that I am the co-chair of the ‘parliamentary enemies of diabetes’. Mr Deputy Speaker, I invite you, every other member of this place and their staff to come along to courtyard 27E between 11.30 am and 1 pm tomorrow and get your socks off to get…



Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (19:45): This government is committed to bringing down power prices and keeping the lights on while meeting Australia’s emissions reduction targets. In August I was pleased to welcome energy minister Angus Taylor to the electorate of Grey, where we met with representatives from the energy sector and announced up to $40…


Cashless Debit Card

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (11:37): It will come as no great surprise that I disagree with some of the comments from the member for Lingiari. I point out that it was just on four years ago that the then Assistant Minister for Social Services, the member for Aston, and I sat down with a leadership…


Space Infrastructure Fund

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (18:45): Quite excitingly, the 2019-20 budget provided $19.5 million for the Space Infrastructure Fund, and I want to speak on that today. I welcome the government’s ongoing interest in this area. My electorate has a strong connection with the space industry, through what is now the RAAF Woomera Range Complex, the…


Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Bill 2019

  Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (19:24): I speak to the Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Bill 2019, denying the amendment. The bill builds on success in, if you like, cleaning up the live sheep trade in particular and the live export trade generally. The government has, since 2013, in the wake of the 2011 suspension…


Dr John Read Environmentalist- The Felixer

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:54): Last Saturday, 7 September was Threatened Species Day, and I’d like to give a shout out for some practical environmentalism. There is no doubt that one of the greatest threats to our native species in Australia are introduced weeds and pests, particularly animals. There is an ecologist and environmental scientist…


Harry Butler- Aviation

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:19): It gives me great pleasure to rise and speak on this motion put forward by a good South Australian member. As was just pointed out by the member for Sturt, the Smith brothers were of course South Australian. We’re very proud of our aviation history in South Australia. Like the…


Port Wakefield Overpass

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (10:51): Today the South Australian government has called for expressions of interest to tender for the building of the dual lanes through Port Wakefield and the overpass to the north and the second bridge in Port Augusta. I wish to speak about that today. In March of 2017 the Great Western Bridge,…


Medical Workforce

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:31): It will come as no surprise to people in this place that I have been concerned about the issue of rural doctors for some time, and have been advocating for a long time for postcode-specific Medicare provider numbers. I continue that argument. But I was very pleased last week to have…



Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (18:01): The previous speaker, the member for Bruce, is in a gloomy mood, I suspect! The Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2019-20 and cognate bills are about the government getting the finance to meet its commitments, and it is those commitments, particularly in my electorate of Grey, that I want to speak to…


Women in Sport

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (11:22): They were good remarks from the other side. I thank the member for them. This speech probably should have been given last week because, unfortunately, last week in the netball our Australian Diamonds were defeated by one goal by the Silver Ferns—one miserable goal. Maxwell Smart would say, ‘I missed it…


Australian Space Agency

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (10:22): I move: That this House: (1) notes that this week 50 years ago the human imagination was captivated by the first man to walk on the moon; (2) recognises the commitment by the Government to space by the establishment of the Australian Space Agency, which will have the goal of tripling…


Seafood Industry

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (11:22): On the 18th and 19th of this month—only last week—I had our new Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries in Port Lincoln, which is one of the gems of seafood production in Australia. We toured Tony’s Tuna and observed the processing, and then we met with the tuna industry—all of the…


Compulsory Acquisition

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:57): In 2004 the Commonwealth moved a compulsory acquisition order for five family properties outside of Whyalla for the extension of the Cultana training facility. In 2012, eight years later, the federal government finally moved and acquired those properties. Now, seven years after that, four families remain in dispute regarding compensation. Prices…


Matters of Public Importance Indigenous Issues

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (16:07): It gives me great pleasure to stand and speak on this MPI today. Grey is an electorate that has an Indigenous population of around 7.2 per cent. I make the point that all the remote Indigenous communities in South Australia lie within the electorate of Grey, so I’m very familiar with…


90 Second Speech Roads Funding

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:37): It’s with great anticipation that I am looking forward to the Treasurer delivering a balanced budget tonight—a surplus budget. I must say that we are already beginning to see the benefits of a well-managed economy in my electorate. Last week, we had the announcement of $150 million for major roadworks in…


Future Drought Fund Bill

  Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (17:19): I rise to speak on the Future Drought Fund Bill 2018 and related bill. When Scott Morrison became Prime Minister on 24 August 2018 he made it abundantly clear that one of his main priorities was to deal with the ongoing drought. He’s shown great attention to that task…


Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern territory)

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (18:30): This bill, the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2018, is essentially about the Northern Territory. It says so in the title, of course. But it has lessons for all of us. It demonstrates cooperation and common purpose, and I think it’s quite a stride in our relationship with…


Closing The Gap

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (17:51): I rise to speak on this 11th statement on closing the gap. My seat of Grey has around seven or eight per cent Indigenous population, and around 40 per cent of those live in remote communities, in many cases where English is not the first language. All of the remote…
