Local Businesses to benefit from Naval Shipbuilding Briefings

Local businesses to benefit from Naval Shipbuilding Industry Briefings   Today Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey announced there will be a Naval Shipbuilding briefing for industry to be held in Whyalla on Thursday May 4. “The briefing will give people in the region the chance to learn more about the economic opportunities that will come…


New Maritime College Will Provide Lifelong Opportunities

  The establishment of a Maritime Technical College to support Australia’s new continuous Navy shipbuilding program will provide training and long-term jobs for young people across the state, according to the Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey.   “This is an incredibly exciting spin-off from the Turnbull Government’s decision to base a continuous naval ship building…



Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he welcomes the Government announcment of the extension of the Cashless Debit Card trial sites in Ceduna, and the East Kimberley. “The interim independent evaluation resleased today are strong and following consultation with community leaders the Government has decided that to abandon the trial now would be an…


Ramsey Welcomes Rural Ministerial Taskforce

  The Chair of the Federal Rural Liberal Caucus Rowan Ramsey MP said he is very pleased Prime Minister Turnbull has announced the establishment of a Regional Ministerial Taskforce to address key issues in regional Australia. The taskforce will be chaired by Prime Minister with senior Cabinet Ministers from across a range of portfolios relevant…


Positive News for Arrium

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the confirmation by Arrium administrator Korda Mentha that a final two bidders for the steelworks have been selected is very positive news. Mr Ramsey said he speaks to Industry Minister Arthur Sinondinos every few days regarding Arrium. “I can assure all interested parties that the Minister is focussed…


Smoky Bay Families Benefit from Federal Grant

The refurbished Smoky Bay playground has proven a great hit with families with the new equipment providing kids with plenty of fun.  Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey was pleased to drop in on the weekend to see locals enjoying the refurbished playground.  He said a lot of hard work that has gone into the…


Wheels in Motion program making driver training accessible

 A number of future drivers in the Ceduna area are eagerly looking forward to being able to access driver training in the town. The purchase of a new car by Ceduna Wheels in Motion Program through a $16,500 grant from the Federal Government and an equal amount from Eyre Futures will assist young people in…


February 22 Ovarian Cancer Day

Fifteen hundred Australian women are likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year. The survival rate is less than half. It is these tough statistics that has seen a commitment by the Coalition Government to improve not just awareness, but treatment outcomes and drug availability. Teal Ribbon Day is an opportunity to remind ourselves…


Ramsey welcomes action to supply medicinal cannabis products

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey is pleased his government moved last year to allow the establishment of the Australian medical cannabis cultivation and manufacture scheme and made changes in November to allow medicinal cannabis to be prescribed by authorised specialist medical practitioners. This week Health Minister Greg Hunt has authorised the controlled importation of…


Ramsey Welcomes Announcement for Energy Project at Cultana

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is finalising a grant for a feasibility study by EnergyAustralia to assess the viability of a pumped hydro energy storage project in the Upper Spencer Gulf.   “EnergyAustralia already has electricity assets in Grey operating windfarms at Cathedral Rocks…
