Work is set to start on building 43 kilometres of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Main Access Road, after the $21.4 million contract was awarded to Toll Mining Services.
Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the contract covered a section of road between Pukatja (Ernabella) and Umuwa.
“The works include the formation and sheeting of 43 kilometres of new pavement, mainly along the existing alignment, with some realignment on the adjacent natural surface and will involve improvements to drainage,” Mr Chester said.
“The works are part of the upgrade of 210 kilometres of the Main Access Road and 21 kilometres of community access roads between the Stuart Highway and Pukatja (Ernabella) in the APY Lands.
“The project aims to improve living standards of the local Anangu by providing better access to essential services and facilities, along with reduced travel times and vehicle operating costs.”
Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the funding was welcome news for these communities.
“This is a tough and remote part of our State with a significant population. Everything from health services through to food costs extra because of the state of the main road and this investment will make a considerable difference to the lives of those who live and work there,” Mr Ramsey said.
Preliminary onsite works are anticipated to start this month and be completed in the last quarter of this year, weather permitting.
The Australian Government is contributing $85 million towards the $106.25 million project with $21.25 million from the State Government. The project is due for completion in mid-2019. Further information can be found at the APY Lands Main Access Road Upgrade Project page.
Media Contacts
For Mr Chester: Kate Barwick 0408 072 809
For Mr Ramsey: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 0417 827 523