Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey MP said the highly popular Stronger Communities Programme has now opened and will deliver its fifth round of $150,000 to fund small capital projects in the electorate.
“This is an exciting opportunity for small local groups to work with me to identify potential projects which will contribute to our community’s long-term vibrancy and viability,” Mr Ramsey said.
“I invite incorporated not-for-profit and local government organisations to apply for funding by completing a project proposal. As with the first four rounds I will be establishing a broadly-based community consultation committee who will prioritise the projects to be submitted to ensure this funding delivers the best possible outcomes for our community.”
“Identified applicants will then be invited to lodge a full application to apply for funding of at least $2,500 and up to a maximum of $20,000 and must provide matching cash or in-kind funding on at least a dollar for dollar basis.”
“It is important potential applicants contact my office on 8633 1744 to ensure projects meet the eligibility criteria and ask for an expression of interest form which must be returned before 6th September 2019.”
Mr Ramsey said the submitted applications would then be assessed against the Programme Guidelines by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science to ensure that approved projects represent value for money.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Stronger Communities Programme guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions which are available on the Business.gov.au website https://www.business.gov.au/assistance/stronger-communities-programme