Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the Coolanie Water Scheme had been allocated $715,000 by the Federal Government for the construction of new pipes and storage near Cowell with a total projected cost of $1.43m.
“This is a terrific outcome and demonstrates just how serious the Federal Government is in addressing the current drought and also ensuring farmers are better able to withstand similar events in the future,” Mr Ramsey said.
“The Coolanie Water Scheme will increase water security through direct supply to 22 farm properties with the capacity for the scheme to expand to other properties subject to demand.
“The construction of a larger trunk main, tank storage and improved distribution network will increase supply to primary producers in the Coolanie Plains by 190kL/day and will signal the opportunity for economic growth.
“The project involves the replacement with larger diameter of 3.6 km of existing pipeline and construction of an additional 6km of trunk main.
“The three-way funding deal, with the council making a very significant $215k contribution and the State, through SA Water another $500k is an example of what can be achieved when the three levels of government work together.”
Mr Ramsey said farm water supply demand on the Coolanie Plains during summer is up to 150kL/day.
“Currently the existing infrastructure can only supply 20kL/day with the shortfall being met through water carting and that is presenting a real strain on time and resources” he said.
“Construction of a pressurised supply network capable of delivering 210kL/day to agricultural properties will increase water security and enable peak demand to be met without relying on water carting.”
Media Contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 8633 1744
April 10 2019