National Radioactive Waste Management Facility

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Opposition Whip) (10:54): Around an hour ago, the Minister for Resources announced that the government was abandoning the plans to site the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility at Napandee in the Kimba district. I’ve got to say that this shows that the government is cowardly, if not gutless, and that it is incapable of…

Adjournment Speech Nuclear Waste Management

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Opposition Whip) (16:39): I’m sad to report that I’m in no better mood about the government’s decision to cancel the Napandee project in Kimba, to be the host of the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility, than I was in question time. This is an appalling decision that has left the Australian medical nuclear isotope…

Nuclear Waste

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Opposition Whip) (13:56): I can only describe the decision of the government today to withdraw support for the Kimba facility, the national radioactive waste management facility, as weak, cowardly and, indeed, gutless—absolutely lacking moral fibre. This government has put at risk the future of ANSTO and Australia’s nuclear medical production. Over 700,000 people a…