Domestic Violence leave

Mr RAMSEY (Grey) (13:39): The government has introduced legislation regarding two weeks leave for domestic and family violence. I’d like to lay on the record that I am supportive of the concept, but I am not supportive of the concept that it should be funded by the employer. I think there is a whole lot of…

Cashless Debit Card

Mr RAMSEY (Grey) (21:07): I must say, as I stand here today as the member for Grey but also the member for Ceduna, how saddened, deeply apprehensive and angry I am about the gutting of the cashless debit card. To understand the origin of the cashless debit card, I think the House needs to know about…

Restoring Territory Rights Bill 2022

Mr RAMSEY (Grey) (17:31): This bill purports to be about territory rights. It is, in my view, a very clean handball. It is in fact about voluntary euthanasia. I think there is only one outstanding issue around state rights, or territory rights in this case, and it is voluntary euthanasia. As you would well know, Madam…