Dire childcare shortage across Grey have been exacerbated by the Government’s lack of funding for more childcare places, forcing parents to put careers on hold, discouraging families from moving to communities with job vacancies, depriving us of skilled workers and in some cases even causing some families to leave.
Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey will visit some of these communities with Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth Angie Bell this week, to work with families and the early childhood sector in addressing issues facing regional, rural and remote Australia.
“Regional communities have skilled workers who have no way to return to work because there is no childcare,” he said. “Towns work hard to attract professionals and then do not have the infrastructure to support them.
“I have invited Ms Bell to visit some of these communities to address chronic childcare shortages. It concerns me that the Government is finding $4.7 billion for child care, making it cheaper for those who can already have access, but not creating a single new place in communities that have none or a lack serious of capacity.
“We need a way to give these communities the same kind of access as the rest of Australia.
“The funding the Government is putting on the table will come out of taxpayers’ pockets so people where there is no child care will pay more so others can access services they can not. It is simply inequitable!
“In May I took Ms Bell to communities in Cummins, Port Lincoln and Tumby Bay but unfortunately we were recalled to Canberra and unable to complete our trip, but she is back and we will be meeting community groups in Wilmington, Orroroo, Crystal Brook, Kadina and Ardrossan.
“These are all places either underserviced, lacking spaces to meet demand or they have they have none at all.
“ I am working to develop policy in Opposition that will be attractive to constituents, but in doing so provide pathways for the Government to step up and address this very unfair and unproductive situation.”
Media contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 0417827523
June 26 2023