Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey is pleased there has been a definitive result in the same sex marriage survey. Mr Ramsey said the process was embraced by Australians with almost 80 percent of eligible voters expressing their view.
“The process was conducted in a very respectful way with little of the vitriol and hatred some were predicting. It has been a civilised way for the nation to address what has been a divisive issue”, Mr Ramsey said.
“The Australian public has voted to change the law regarding same sex marriage as have the State of South Australia and the electorate of Grey.”
“The result in Grey was about 8% lower than the State average however, my constituents nonetheless have voted in favour of change and while I personally voted against same sex marriage, I will support the legislation in the Parliament. After all, we cannot ask the people what they think and then ignore their wishes, we are duty bound to deliver.”
“Some people have complained about the cost of the survey, however it was a commitment we took to the last election and acceptance by all in the community would have been much lower without the opportunity for them to have a direct say.
“It was unclear how the electorate of Grey wished me to vote on this issue and while many will be disappointed with the result I will accept the vote of the majority.”
Mr Ramsey said while the result is clear, there will be an intensive couple of weeks as the Parliament debates the best way to ensure others are not disadvantaged by the change.
“While I will be voting in support of same sex marriage in the Parliament, I will do my best to ensure any changes do not impact negatively on institutions, organisations and individuals,” he said.
“Of particular importance will be ensuring safeguards are in place in relation to Independent and Christian schools which could compel them to teach positions contrary to their doctrine,” he said.
“I am looking forward to the next two weeks of Parliament in which we will make every effort to act on the wishes of the Australian people before Christmas.
Leonie Lloyd-Smith 08 8633 1744
November 15 2017