Regional TAFE to offer new opportunities
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has welcomed details of the Naval Shipbuilding College in Adelaide, with TAFE to be a major player in training the submarine and shipbuilders of the future.
With the Turnbull Federal Government and the new Marshall State Government supportive of rebuilding the state’s TAFE brand, following the previous Labor Government’s TAFE debacle, Mr Ramsey feels confident there’ll be flow on affects for regional South Australia.
He said although the tax-payer funded $25 million college will be based in Adelaide, the minister has maintained there will be opportunities for education and training providers in the Grey electorate.
“TAFE at Port Lincoln, Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Pirie are in the perfect position to benefit from this government initiative,” Mr Ramsey said.
“Developing training to facilitate career paths from entry level trades to more senior positions like foreman and middle managers will be important, and offers many new opportunities for our young people.”
Mr Ramsey said this is an incredibly exciting spin-off from the Turnbull Government’s decision to base a continuous naval ship building industry in the state.
“I look forward to assisting in any way that I can to ensure young people in rural and regional South Australia have the same career path opportunities and training as their city counterparts,” Mr Ramsey said.