Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased to announce six projects in Grey have received funding under the $1.5m Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal’s Tackling Tough Times Together program.
Mr Ramsey said the Government was pleased to support the Foundation’s crucial work of stimulating regional economies while strengthening social connections in drought-affected communities.
“The Tackling Tough Times Together program has a range of benefits, including keeping money flowing through shops and suppliers and creating jobs for communities which have been disadvantaged by drought,” he said.
“A variety of projects have been successful in Grey ranging from installing an airstrip at a remote community, running activities for school children, a playground and art focussed projects.
“I was really pleased to see the innovation shown by these communities in Grey in creating such diverse opportunities to participate in.
“Rural and regional Australia is continuing to show amazing spirit and resilience as they support each other through these tough times.
“Some parts of regional Australia have received some good rainfall over the past few months, with many farmers having a good start to the season, but the drought is not over.
“We are committed to standing side by side with hard-working communities – whether it’s through drought, the recent bushfires or the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.
“I am glad to see these grants providing much-needed support to our hard-hit regional communities at such a crucial time, with this latest round of funding to be delivered to community groups.”
Successful projects in Grey include-
The Eudunda Community Hub and Shed which has been successful in receiving an $8000 Federal Government contribution toward a Mosaic Masterpiece project aimed at reducing social isolation through the creation of a mosaic art piece for the Eudunda town gardens.
The Kadina CBD Chamber of Commerce will receive a $15,000 Federal Government contribution to enhance the local economic recovery and renewal and provide access to activities for children through the delivery of school holiday activities in the Kadina CBD during 2020 and 2021 school holiday periods.
Lucky Bay Shackowners for the Laughter at Lucky project which has been successful with a $51,597 Federal Government contribution to support a stronger social fabric and enhanced wellbeing through the installation of a playground at Lucky Bay foreshore.
Parachilna Community Association Incorporated will receive a $60,000 Federal Government contribution toward the Parachilna Community Association Airstrip program to increase visitation and economic benefits, and access to services such as the Flying Doctor through construction of an airstrip at remote Parachilna.
The Beltana Progress Association Inc. will receive a $10,334 Federal Government contribution to increase organisational capacity through the installation of a water bore to support the maintenance of community facilities and assets in State Heritage listed Beltana.
Port Vincent Progress Association Inc.will receive a $54,500 Federal Government contribution for the Port Vincent Water Tower Mural Project aimed to increase tourism and economic benefits for the Port Vincent community through creation of an art installation on a 20 metre water tank
More information on the Tackling Tough Times Together program and the latest round of recipients can be found on the Foundation’s website at www.frrr.org.au/grants/TTTT or by visiting the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website at www.regional.gov.au/regional/programs.
Media Contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 0417827523
May 21, 2020