After a delay of nearly five months which created unnecessary uncertainty for communities in Grey, the Albanese Government has finally confirmed the delivery of round 2 of the Coalition’s Regional Connectivity Program (RCP).
The Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey said, “This investment in communications infrastructure is a game changer and builds on the Coalition’s extensive investment in broadband and mobile connectivity in regional Australia.”
“I am delighted to have worked hard with our community to help secure funding for these vital projects.”
The projects are:
- Pekina – $868,200 to deploy a new Telstra macro mobile site, providing improved coverage to Pekina and the Orroroo Carrieton Council area.
- Gum Creek (Burra) – $748,200 to deploy a new Telstra macro cell mobile site, providing new and improved handheld coverage to the Gum Creek area.
“These projects were announced by the Coalition in government and it should not have taken Labor nearly five months to confirm their delivery. However, I am pleased they have now ticked off them,” Mr Ramsey said.
This installment brings total investment of the two rounds of the RCP to $254m.
“Regional connectivity projects are vital for families and businesses across regional, rural and remote Australia,” Mr Ramsey said. “Labor’s track record in the past on delivering for regional areas has been poor, particularly in the area of mobile towers where they have never previously had a program.”
“Consequently, I am looking forward to Labor’s October budget where I hope we will see this and the Regional Black Spot Program program extended.”
Media contact: Courtney Stephens 8821 4366
14 October 2022