The Yongala and Districts Hall Committee will be able to preserve and recognise the town’s unique history thanks to funding of $4015 through the Stronger Communities Program (SCP).
Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is very pleased the community has embarked on a project to install history signage around the town.
“History signage to be placed around the town at the sites of businesses, churches, sports, council and the police station acknowledging the deep history of Yongala and the extent of businesses etc that were active in Yongala from the settlement of the town,” he said.
“The history behind the town needs to be recognised and preserved and promoted.
“The installation of signage complete with history and a photo of each site will preserve the extensive history of the town of Yongala.
“I am very pleased we have made these Federal Government funds available through the Stronger Communities Program to help small community groups.”
The Coalition Government’s Stronger Communities Programme offers grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 for small capital projects in each of the 150 Federal Electorates. Rounds 1 and 2 of the Programme were highly successful, with more than 3,000 projects funded across Australia.