Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is stunned revelations the State Government knocked back an offer to keep the Northern Power Station open for a further three years at a cost of just $25m.
“This is especially sickening as we have recently learned they now plan to spend $550 million of tax-payers money on a band-aid solution which will in no way replace what Northern used to contribute to the grid,” he said.
“I am appalled the Premier thought so little of South Australian businesses, industry who have invested in this State and now face power costs double that of Victoria with many now either shelving investment plans here or considering re-locating interstate”, Mr Ramsey said.
“The closure of the Northern Station has brought chaos to our electricity grid.
“Household consumers are facing dramatic rises over the next year as a result.
“It is unbelievable Premier Jay Weatherill would not have fought for to keep the jobs of the 440 men and women retrenched when Leigh Creek and the Northern Power Station were closed, that he did not consider investing a mere $25m to guarantee those jobs.
“South Australia is now saddled with the most expensive and least reliable electricity in the country delivered by a State Government hell-bent on side-shows and publicity with fairy-tale targets. Even with all that we could still be ok if they had not turned their back on Port Augusta and allowed for a planned transition to renewable energy.
“Every South Australian man woman and child should justifiably feel dudded by their State Government whose mismanagement of South Australia’s power has cost jobs and investment and left people with huge power bills, unreliable power and no faith in the Government’s ability to manage the issue.”
Media Contact; Leonie Lloyd-Smith March 29 2017