The establishment of a Maritime Technical College to support Australia’s new continuous Navy shipbuilding program will provide training and long-term jobs for young people across the state, according to the Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey.
“This is an incredibly exciting spin-off from the Turnbull Government’s decision to base a continuous naval ship building industry here in South Australia,” Mr Ramsey said.
“I don’t think many of us have grasped the magnitude of this investment yet. There will be $90bn spent on this program over the next 30 years. We will need 5200 skilled workers at Osborne by 2022 and another 10,000 jobs in the supply chain.”
Mr Ramsey said finding skilled workers will be a challenge, so the government, through the Department of Defence is establishing a Maritime Technical College in Adelaide to train welders, naval architects, steel fabricators, draughtsmen and a host of other skills and trades.
“The college will provide exciting new career paths many of them high tech for around 1,500 students,” he said.
“Most excitingly for our young people, the college will work with existing TAFEs, Universities and other providers from around the nation, including around regional SA – supporting students who wish to be trained in naval shipbuilding.”
Information sessions will be held shortly on how existing providers can become involved in the new endeavour.
Media Contact Leonie Lloyd-Smith 08 8633 1744
March 24 2017