Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey was pleased to announce Men’s Shed funding for Yorketown and Bute Men’s Sheds.
Mr Ramsey said the funding will support men’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.
“Clem’s Shed at Yorketown and Bute Community Men’s Sheds help men, particularly as they get older, to connect with each other and prevent social isolation and preventable health conditions,” he said.
“This funding round helps Men’s Sheds to buy tools and equipment, support community projects and training, maintain or develop their buildings, or create local activities to improve men’s health.
“Clem’s Shed will receive funding of $6039 to assist with the upgrade to the group’s facility to address space, additional work area, health and safety.
“They will also be able to purchase a thicknesser, hand held metal detector, combo drill and grinder seven piece combo kit.
“The Bute Community Men’s Shed will receive funding of $4546 to purchase equipment and training to address Men’s Shed Health & Safety.
“They will also purchase a dust extraction system for woodworking area, First Aid kit and defibrillator training.
“This grant will mean a lot to the successful Men’s Shed members and the broader community and I congratulate them on their success.
“Men’s Sheds provide a sense of community, a safe and friendly environment where men can work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time, in the company of other men.”
“Members have an opportunity to pass their skills to others, learn new things, or just catch up regularly with other men in the community for a chat and a cup of tea.”
This grant funding is part of the $5.1 million the Federal Government has provided to the Australian Men’s Shed Association through to 2018-19 to support the national network of Men’s Sheds.
Details of all successful grant recipients from this National Shed Development Program funding round are available at www.mensshed.org.
Media contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 08 8633 1744
October 12 2017