Ramsey Pursues Assistance from Banks for South Australian Farmers in Drought
Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said the announcement by the Australian Banking Association of assistance for farmers in South Australian facing drought is great news.
“My attention was drawn to the issue of South Australian farmers not being able to access the same assistance from banks as drought-affected farmers in other states when I was visiting farmers east of Eudunda to discuss the drought earlier this year,” he said.
“I then met with NAB in Canberra and raised this issue with them and I was very pleased NAB committed to offering the same assistance to South Australian farmers as others across the country.
“Because the South Australian Government does not officially declare drought conditions, I was very concerned our farmers were being treated differently than farmers in the Eastern States.
“Following my meeting with NAB I contacted the Hon Anna Bligh, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Banking Association, and raised these issues with her.
“She committed to investigating the possibility of the other banks coming on board and I am pleased to say within two weeks she came back to me with the commitment of all the banks that they would take the same approach for South Australian farmers as all farmers.”
Mr Ramsey said he is very grateful at the prompt and pleasing response from banks to the situation farmers are facing in South Australia.
“I congratulate the banks for this commitment and for hearing the call for all farmers doing it tough,” he said.
“Now all the banks have committed to supporting farmers and the criteria farmers have to meet for assistance has been adjusted for SA.”
PIRSA’s Crop and Pasture report has identified areas in South Australia where farmers are in drought and these farmers will be eligible to a number of measures to assist including extension of load terms, credit card and personal loan relief and suspension of home and personal loan repayments.
Media Contact: Leonie Lloyd-Smith 08 8633 1744