Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Government Whip) (13:53): This morning the House witnessed a valedictory from a highly talented, progressive young woman, my friend and fellow Whip, member for Boothby, Nicolle Flint. Nicolle will be remembered for the many things she’s done in this place over the last six years, perhaps most notably for her campaign on endometriosis, which has now established a national action plan.
Nicolle has been a strong and intelligent voice in the parliament. She was a journalist and a solicitor before she came to the ranks through the Young Liberals. She has committed one sin, it seems, and that is that she is a strong woman that comes from the Right. She has been attacked mercilessly in her period in office. Hideous bullying and vilification from GetUp, which started in the 2019 election, continues today. The people who conduct these attacks are creatures of the gutter. Today, she stood and defended other women in public positions from the Left and the Right and in the media. I think it is a great failure of this place that those women from the Left who speak out in defence of their own have not come and shouted down those who have thrown rocks at Nicolle Flint.