New Mobile Services on the YP

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has welcomed news of Federal funding for mobile services in Wool Bay and Port Rickaby.“I am really pleased the Labor Government has continued the Coalition’s investment in mobile phone reception in regional Australia,” he said. “Telstra will partner with the Government to implement a macrocell in these communities to…

Closing the Gap

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Opposition Whip) (13:42): Last weekend just on 79 per cent of the people of Grey voted ‘no’ in the referendum. In that message they voted for equality in the eyes of the law in Australia, and encompassed in that is that Australians should also have an equal opportunity. We need to address disadvantage where…

Closing the Gap

Mr RAMSEY (Grey—Opposition Whip) (16:01): I will point out a couple of things to the member for Paterson. One is that Senator Nampijinpa Price has been calling for a royal commission since April. It wasn’t just this week. It has been well over six months now since this issue was identified, and it should be acted…