Aviation Transport Security Amendment Bill 2018

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (10:42): It does give me great pleasure to rise to speak on the Aviation Transport Security Amendment Bill 2018, because it addresses some issues that I had raised with the minister and in the party room about the impact of the security rearrangements-the toughening of security-at regional airports across Australia, which, I…

Live Animal Export

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (11:41 I rise to speak on the Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports Bill 2018, this private member’s bill by the member for Hunter. It seems to me that, in so much of our political conversation in Australia, conversations taking place are often mired in misinformation. Certainly, so it…

Aged Care

  Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (17:11): I rise to speak on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Bill 2018 and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018. Aged care is not always perfect, but it is our job here to make it as near to perfect as…

Drought- Burra Eudunda

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:20): About a week ago, I took the opportunity to visit a region out to the east of Burra in my electorate, to Eudunda, which is severely affected by the current dry conditions of the drought. I toured with some young farmers and had a look at the properties out there.…

Scholarships for regional students in Grey

  Federal Member fior Grey has encouraged students in Grey to apply for a Government-funded scholarship to study a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) course.   Mr Ramsey said applications were now open for the $24 million Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships program.   “Scholarships of up to $18,000 are available to help students…