Marriage Equality

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (17:57): It was Churchill who told us that democracy was the worst form of government, except for all of the rest. So it has been with our postal survey: democracy has been celebrated. It has shown that it can succeed, with a postal survey to assess the country’s desire to legalise…

Same Sex marriage

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey is pleased there has been a definitive result in the same sex marriage survey.  Mr Ramsey said the process was embraced by Australians with almost 80 percent of eligible voters expressing their view.   “The process was conducted in a very respectful way with little of the vitriol and…

Second round of the Building Better Regions Fund open

·         Applications now open for funding under the Building Better Regions Fund Round Two ·         Two streams available: Infrastructure Projects and Community Investments ·         Applications close on 19 December 2017   Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has urged organisations to apply for Round Two of the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF), with…


Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (13:54): Diabetes Australia is 60 years old, and last week in the Great Hall in this place we held a 60th birthday celebration. Diabetes Australia is a wonderful organisation with wonderful partners like the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the DANII Foundation, and they were all there. We were privileged to…

Climate Change Petition

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (16:03): I rise to table a petition today, drawn up and signed by concerned members of my electorate. The chief petitioner is my constituent Fiona Plunkett of Port Augusta, and the petition has 2,153 signatures. These 2,153 people have asked that the House do all in its power to protect communities…

90 sec Diabetes Australia 60 years

Mr RAMSEY (Grey–Government Whip) (13:54): Diabetes Australia is 60 years old, and last week in the Great Hall in this place we held a 60th birthday celebration. Diabetes Australia is a wonderful organisation with wonderful partners like the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the DANII Foundation, and they were all there. We were privileged to…